Welcome new and continuing learners!

Rebecca Mearns, Dean, Education, Inuit and University Studies, and Learners Services Team welcoming learners at Nunatta Campus on September 4th, 2018

Rebecca Mearns, Dean, Education, Inuit and University Studies, and Learners Services Team welcoming learners at Nunatta Campus on September 4th, 2018

Nunatta Campus Orientation

Nunatta Campus Orientation

Orientation in the Kivalliq Campus

Orientation in the Kivalliq Campus

The school year has started at Nunavut Arctic College. On September 4th and 5th, Learners gathered in the different campuses of NAC for their orientation. 

In Iqaluit, there was an excellent turnout for this year’s compulsory 2-day Learner Orientation event for new and continuing NAC Learners. An estimated 150 Learners participated in the event.

The objectives of Orientation were to deliver informative, engaging and fun activities that will not only help orient learners to NAC, but also foster a strong sense of belonging to the NAC community. With this in mind, the following components were included in Orientation:

o   Core Content: Intro to Learner Services, Registrar, Learner Code of Conduct and Housing and Security;

o   Workshops: Study Skills, Living on a Student Budget, Student Funders, team building, Self-care and Stress Management (hosted by Embrace Life Council) as well as Let’s be Aware (re: Responsible Drinking);

o   Community Information Fair (Iqaluit) (Day 1, Sept. 4th): Opportunity to engage with Iqaluit-based groups, resources, services and/or volunteering opportunities are available to them and their families. The fair showcased the following information booths:  NAC Recreation table, Pride, Skills Nunavut, Qajuqtuvik Food Center, Moving Forward & Recovery Group, GN Tobacco Cessation Team, GN Let’s be Aware (Responsible Use of Alcohol), GN Sexual Health, Native Youth Sexual Health Network, Skills Nunavut,  Representative for Children and Youth, among others;

o   Scavenger Hunt Event (Iqaluit): First year learners also took part in an Amazing race-style to help them familiarize themselves with Iqaluit. Winners won tickets to the Beatrice Deer Concert. (Day 2, Sept. 5th)

o   Game night (Iqaluit) (dice games) held in the evening of Day 2 (sept. 5th) featured a special musical performance by local artist Aasiva, fun dice games and prizes.  There were about 50 people in attendance, learners and their families and NAC Staff.

Learner Services also wishes to thank NAC Staff & Faculty members for their hands-on involvement with Orientation planning, workshop delivery and on-site support this year. Staff involvement was paramount to this year’s successful 2-day Orientation. We want to thank everyone for accommodating all the workshops by providing crucial classroom space. As always, feedback is welcome!

We also thank all our guest presenters and facilitators for their continued support.

Welcome learners to the NAC community!

NAC Communications