ETP's Berry Productivity dataset featured in the ArcticNet IRIS Report!
The Berry Productivity dataset collected annually by ETP learners at their fall camp at Peterhead Inlet since 2009 is featured in the Terrestrial Ecosystems chapter of ArcticNet’s recently published Integrated Regional Impact Study (IRIS) for the Canadian Eastern Arctic.
The IRIS notes that the ETP’s berry production dataset is one of the longest running record of its kind in Canada and the first to show large scale variations from year to year in annual crowberry production.
ETP’s work is making an important contribution to our understanding climate change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems in Nunavut! This upcoming fall field camp will mark our 10th consecutive year of data collection.
Congratulations to our Environmental Technology Program learners, instructors and staff for this accomplishment.
The full IRIS report will be released at the Nunavut Trade Show later this month but it can be downloaded now at: