Admissions & Application Procedures
Or, to mail or fax an application, download it here:
Admission Requirements
The minimum admission requirement for all certificate, diploma and degree programs is a high school diploma. Some programs require the successful completion of specific high school courses with a minimum average. Check the detailed program sections of this calendar for program-specific admission requirements.
Students not meeting the program admission requirements may be accepted as a mature student. A mature student is an applicant for full-time admission to the College who:
Is age 19 (nineteen) or older;
Does not have the required academic qualifications for a particular program; and,
Has been out of the K-12 school system for a minimum of one year.
Applicants for mature student status will be required to submit:
Proof of age
At least two letters of reference from persons able to assess the candidate’s ability to proceed with post-secondary studies, and
A personal letter outlining the grounds for requesting mature student status.
Official transcripts, documents showing formal and informal academic qualifications, and information about related work experience. An interview may be required.
Where there is uncertainty regarding academic readiness applicants will be required to write a College placement test. Since admission as a mature student is not on the grounds of age alone, the College reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant or offer the option of enrolling in a College Adult Basic Education or College Preparatory program where available.
Adult Basic Education Programs
Nunavut Arctic College Placement Assessment
Out-of-Territory Canadians and University of the Arctic STUDENTS
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Applicants to the Adult Basic Education Program should be at least 17 years old and have been out of the public school system for at least one year. While there is no educational prerequisite for entering the ABE program, placement in courses is based upon an assessment of English, Inuktitut, and mathematics.
If you have not completed high school, or if you graduated from a non-academic stream you will be required to write the College’s placement assessment. The assessment may be written at any Regional Campus or Community Learning Centre. Regional Campus Assessments may be written any Wednesday afternoon except during holidays.
To schedule your assessment contact your regional registrar. Applicants in the communities can contact the Adult Educator to write the assessment. The assessment covers vocabulary, reading in both English and Inuktitut, and mathematics
Nunavut Arctic College welcomes applications from qualified out-of-territory Canadians and students of any participating institution in the north2north program. However, acceptance of non-Nunavut residents will be limited by the maximum student capacity of the program, the number of qualified applications received from Nunavut residents, and specific program language requirements.
Many students enter Nunavut Arctic College with work, education, training and life experiences that may reflect sound knowledge of subject matter covered in courses offered for credit by the College. Recognition of Prior Learning is a method of recognizing and accrediting the demonstrated knowledge that results from these experiences.
Recognition of Prior Learning is the identification, documentation, assessment, and recognition of learning acquired through these life experiences. It is based on the premise that all learning is valid and can be recognized, regardless of where and how it was gained.
Nunavut Arctic College will assess and grant credit for prior learning that is equivalent to the learning outcomes of identified College courses or programs. Recognized prior learning will be applied toward the requirements of College programs. The RPL process will be administered in a way that ensures that the assessment of prior learning is valid, reliable, equitable, efficient, and transparent.
The assessment of prior learning for recognition is determined by course or program staff and can happen in many different ways. Some common methods are:
Portfolio development
Demonstration of skills and abilities
Challenge exams
Review of work samples, evidence of leaning, certificates, etc.
For more information or assistance regarding how to apply for credit for prior learning, visit our website at www.plar.arcticcollege.ca or contact your regional RPL Coordinator.
Kivalliq and Kitikmeot Regional RPL Coordinator
Phone: 1-867-645-5500
FAX: 1-867-645-2387
Qikiqtani Regional RPL Coordinator
Phone: 1-867-979-7212
FAX: 1-867-979-7102
STUDENT Success Week
The week before registration is designated Student Success Week at most campuses. Attendance is compulsory for new students. This orientation week is organized into workshops on student concerns, study skills, campus organization, as well as activities to get acquainted.
Student Success Week provides new students with an opportunity to become familiar with the community, the campus and the instructors before their programs begin. It also presents a variety of coping and adaptation skills for student life.