Environmental Technology Program Fall Camp 2020

Each year, the Environmental Technology Program begins the academic year with its fall field camp. This year was no exception! First and Second-year Nunatta students started their adventure on September 14, 2020, returning back to town on October 2nd.
First-year students focused on earning their certification in wilderness first aid, while also taking weather observations, and collecting data as part of an on-going circumpolar research project, assessing changes in berry productivity in the warming Arctic.
Second-year students completed their Marine Biology course while at the camp by practicing sampling techniques, doing intertidal surveys, and other hands-on learning activities. A highlight of the camp is a day trip to Qaummaarviit Territorial Park to view and learn about the archeological remains found at the site, including 11 sod houses, and a vast number of tools.
Although this year’s camp was cut short by a few days due to weather, the camp was a solid success. The students and staff had a great time getting to know each other better, and also took advantage of the strong spring tide to go clam digging.
Every year is different, and this one stood out for the musical talent we have in the program. The students gathered around the bonfire while some played the guitar, others sang, and others strummed for the group.
Can’t wait for the next ETP camp!
If you’re interested in joining the ETP program, contact Jason Carpenter at jason.carpenter@arcticcollege.ca
*All camp activities were performed respecting the COVID-19 safety measures