Long Term Service Awards 2017-2018
Nunavut Arctic College would like to congratulate and recognize the following employees for their 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 35, and 40 years of continuous work and dedication.
Martin Barbe - 5 years
Gloria Uluqsi - 5 years
Anilnilk Peelaktoak - 10 years
Letia Qiatsuk - 10 years
Alexina Kublu - 15 years
Lynette Thomas - 15 years
Marlene Angnakak - 20 years
Jason Carpenter - 20 years
James Malcolm Shirley - 20 years
Jacqueline K. Curley - 20 years
David Gunn - 25 years
Jukeepa Hainnu - 35 years
Tirak Parr - 40 years
To recognize the long term commitment of its employees, the Government of Nunavut (GN) honours those individuals who have served long periods of uninterrupted service or employment in the public service. This recognition serves as an acknowledgement of employee dedication.
Thank you!